Writing Interview Thank You Notes

Writing Interview Thank You Notes

Writing a thank-you note after an interview is a crucial step toward receiving an offer.

This is not a practice that should be applied inconsistently or without thought. The thank-you note allows you to set yourself apart from the competition, offers an opportunity to inform the hiring manager of relevant skills, overcome an objection looming and is the perfect touchpoint to maintain contact keeping your name top of mind.

Email or snail mail?

In most cases, sending a thank you note via email is completely acceptable. This electronic format offers nearly instantaneous delivery. I believe you should send the thank you note via email and then follow up with a handwritten note card delivered by the U.S. postal service. Most professionals in today's workplace receive hundreds of emails a day. Your email may receive a skim, quick read and then be set aside for more urgent matters. However, nearly everyone will stop for a few minutes to open a piece of mail, especially a card or note, hand addressed to them!

What to include in your message: In addition to thanking the person for the meeting, you must reiterate your interest in the job. Use your letter to address anything of importance that the interviewer neglected to ask or to offer a piece of information to a question asked earlier in the live discussion.  This is your sales opportunity. Describe why you want the job, the contributions and qualifications relevant and so on.

Remember, a proper thank you note is not a letter. It is no more than two brief paragraphs at best. Be succinct. If you interviewed with more than one person or a team, be sure to send each individual a separate thank you. Make sure your message is unique.

Proof Read: Make sure the immediacy of action does not derail you from properly proofreading. Be sure to check spelling, grammar, typos, etc. I recommend keeping a copy of emails in draft form so that you may refer back to your wording in case you follow a multiple interview process.

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