The Art of Interview Thank You Notes

Closing a job interview well can help leave a good impression on a potential employer during the job search, but there is an extra step with an old-fashioned twist that can truly leave a lasting impact. Consider sending a thank you note after the interview to continue communication in the hiring process and to convey your interest in joining the company. Following up after an interview is vital to being a memorable job candidate, can help make or break your ability to stand out among other candidates and, most importantly, landing the job. We covered some of the basics in a previous post but I hear from candidates that drafting one isn't as straight forward as I would hope. After seeing some of the examples on the web it is hard to know where to start.
Follow this formula for a thank you note that is well received. A good thank-you note is brief and to the point but doesn’t miss the point. What point? I listened and I am the perfect fit. Here’s proof.
General thank you for the time and meeting. Insert a personal comment here referring to something the interviewer said or a piece of information you learned during your interview.
2nd paragraph is all about why you are a good fit. Two to three sentences maximum.
Closing sentences reiterating your interest in the job, willingness to jump through hoops and offering your contact information.
Make it Personal
While there is flexibility choosing between an email and handwritten letter, personalizing a thank you note is always important. Key factors to keep in mind include personalizing a thank you note for every person on the hiring team. Coworkers, Human Resources and Hiring Managers all should receive a note with the content varied to each audience. Ask yourself, what if they compare notes? Show you are the ideal candidate and can think on your feet by varying your messaging.
Content Matters
Mentioning a particular aspect of the job interview that was memorable or important is a great tactic to use in thank you notes during the job search. For example:
A) Coworkers- I enjoyed the tour of the building and the other members of your team made me feel especially welcome. Your description of the teamwork in the department and the ability to cross-train is refreshing.
B) Human Resources-The company culture as you described it coupled with the reason you enjoy working for ABC really made an impression on me.
C) Hiring Manager- The primary goals of the role, #1, #2, and #3.
These are all lead-in sentences for paragraph two. Use a specific example from your work history, preferably one not shared in the first interview, to describe how you relate to your reference outlined above.
Finally, remember, any thank you note that contains spelling errors, typos or grammar issues will easily end your chances for that offer. Spell check, have a friend proofread and sit on it before sending it to allow your brain a chance to review the material after stepping away.
Keep these three pieces of advice in mind when crafting your next thank you note and you'll increase your chances of ending the job search and getting hired.
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