How to Engage Employees in the Workplace

Workplace efficiency is oftentimes directly related to the mindset of employees. In fact, a study from Towers Watson confirms the fact that engaged employees are considered to be more How to Engage Employees in the Work Placesatisfied and loyal to their companies, while those who feel disengaged describe their work life as being unsupported and unfulfilled. As a manager, how can you use a well thought out business strategy to alter the workplace environment and inspire an increase in employee engagement? It all begins with an understanding of the factors that an individual employee values.

Work content

Is the employee going to be challenged by the work and will they value the experience? Are they learning anything new, noteworthy or relevant?

Workplace advancement

Does the employee have ample opportunity to grow professionally? Advancement does not necessarily mean promotion. Ask them what will interest them when promotions are not an option.

Fair Wage

A low wage can cause employees to resent their managers and workplace, even if they love the work they are doing. Be sure to provide fair compensation for the hard work of your employees.

Recognition of accomplishment

Employees value positive reinforcement just as much as their paycheck. Be sure to pay attention to the triumphs of your team members and deliver an appropriate amount of praise for noticeable successes.

Connect employee value to a team setting

Employees need to feel that they belong within their workplace and that their contributions are integral for the business strategy associated with the long term team goals. Make sure employees understand how their work connects to the bigger picture, company goals or revenue.

  • Give them a why: Employees will be more encouraged to perform tasks with higher levels of engagement if they are given a reason as to why it must be completed.
  • Ask questions: Open a dialogue with employees. Managers are known for speaking statements and giving assignments, but asking questions will keep the lines of communication open and flowing in duel directions, making for a more cohesive and engaged workplace.
  • Stop, collaborate and listen: Managers delegate work to their team members on a daily basis. It is part of their job description as a manager, but the most important step of creating an effective and engaged business strategy among employees is collaboration. Work with your team members and position yourself as a creative ally. Allow your employees a chance to offer input, suggestions, and solutions to the work at hand. When they can create they are intimately involved and feel connected.
  • Create learning opportunities: Be willing to teach your employees by creating a supportive and engaging learning environment within the workplace. This could be as simple as public speaking, training or leadership opportunities.

With nearly 60% of all workers claiming to feel disengaged and detached within the workplace, it is imperative for employers to implement a business strategy for increasing the engagement level of employees.





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